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Pediatric and Complete Orthodontic Treatment

Pediatric Orthodontics In Nashville

Here at Children’s Dental Health Center in Nashville, TN, our staff knows the importance of your child’s orthodontic health! Orthodontics play a huge role in your child’s appearance and well-being, even before adult teeth begin to form. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, a professional orthodontist should examine your child’s teeth for the first time by age 7! Our orthodontists are highly trained to accurately identify bite issues at an early age, preventing your son or daughter from having misaligned teeth in their adult life.

Although your child’s teeth may look straight at first, there could potentially be underlying problems with the way their adult teeth will erupt. A misaligned bite, a bad relationship between the upper and lower jaw, unordinary tooth crowding, or problems caused by non-nutritive habits can lead to major orthodontic issues after your child’s baby teeth are replaced by their adult teeth. At Children’s Dental Health Center in Nashville, we can help identify these issues right away, ensuring that your child’s smile will be corrected by the time their adult teeth are fully developed!

Finding a kids orthodontist is essential, even if you are not noticing issues with your child’s bite at an early age. Many parents incorrectly think orthodontics is strictly for older kids with adult teeth, but in fact, orthodontics can help correct issues early, decreasing the likelihood of more invasive interventions later in adolescence. The irregularities commonly treated during phase one or early orthodontics can exist from birth or can be the result of early oral development. When they are corrected early in life, adult teeth have the opportunity to come in straighter, decreasing the length of future treatments, and in some cases removing the need for other orthodontic treatments later in life altogether.

For questions about complete Orthodontic care, please do not hesitate to call our team today! 615-321-5600

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Complete Orthodontic Treatment

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Pediatric Orthodontics

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Invisalign Braces

As orthodontists, we recommend that your child see an orthodontist as early as age seven. Orthodontic problems can become apparent at a very young age, meaning we can correct these problems early too! With early treatment, we can potentially avoid severe orthodontic issues down the road. Our team may recommend the use of early orthodontic appliances or specific interventions for behaviors like thumb sucking. We want to ensure that your child’s teeth and mouth are developing correctly and, if necessary, we can catch any problems early on!
  • Traditional Braces: Traditional braces always provide a reliable, effective orthodontic service. Our orthodontists will put silver brackets on the face of your teeth, attach an orthodontic wire, and cover them with rubber elastics. This method will slowly, but surely move your child’s teeth into the desired position. Traditional braces are durable and can withstand your child’s lifestyle!
  • Clear/Ceramic Braces: If your child would like a more natural looking appearance with their braces, we provide clear ceramic braces for a more inconspicuous option. This type of orthodontic treatment will work exactly like that of the traditional method. The only change is the color of the bracket, making everything less noticeable. For parents, please keep in mind that ceramic braces are less durable than traditional braces and can stain if not taken care of.
  • Invisalign Clear Braces: For the least noticeable orthodontic appliance, our orthodontists recommend Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Invisalign is a series of clear plastic aligners that are changed every one to two weeks to shift your teeth slowly. The clear aligners can be worn directly over your teeth, and for convenience, can be removed to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. Invisalign is custom-made and patient specific.
Our Nashville team specializes in dentofacial orthopedics, the guidance of your child’s overall facial growth and development. We treat alignment issues of the teeth, jaw, mouth, and facial structure. These types of adjustments and treatments are much more accessible at a young age when a child’s jaw and facial structure is more malleable. We will ensure that your child develops the correct alignment in their facial structure to lead a happy, healthy life!
  • If your orthodontist in Nashville determines that Invisalign is right for your teen, he will host a consultation during which he will scan your child’s teeth and develop a customized treatment plan. Your doctor will use 3D images to map out the movement of your teen’s smile over the course of treatment. These images are then used to create custom-made aligners. The number of aligners your adolescent will need all depends on the severity of his or her case.
  • Each aligner moves your teen’s teeth slightly to a new position. As time passes, their teeth will be comfortable in their new position. At this time we progress to another stage of Invisalign aligners.
  • Most Invisalign patients go through one set of aligners every one or two weeks. The average Invisalign treatment process takes 12 months, though that can vary depending on how severe one’s teeth are. At the end of treatment, your child will have a straight, dazzling smile of which they can be proud of.
Invisalign offers an alternative to traditional metal braces but still achieves the same stunning results. Instead of metal brackets and colorful bands, Invisalign is virtually invisible, as its name suggests. The aligners, which are made of plastic, are removable, which means your child can take them out to eat and to clean their teeth easily. Invisalign comes with many advantages, including:
  • No brackets or wires.
  • No dietary restrictions.
  • Special events like Prom or graduation won’t be marked with brackets and wires in every photo.
  • Oral hygiene is easy.
  • Aligners can also help protect against grinding at night.
  • Invisalign is often found to be more comfortable due to its smooth surface.

Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment

When growing up, some things will always fall by the wayside. Don’t let dental hygiene become one of those things. Routine dental visits are imperative to your child’s continuing dental health and ensure that they have a smile they can be proud of for years into the future. Call our dental office today to schedule your teen’s appointment today! Together, we can provide your teen with the best dental health around! 615-321-5600