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Dentistry For Teens

Teen Dental Health Is Important

We want your teen to feel confident that they are in the hands of the best pediatric dental team in Nashville, TN. With school, social lives, and personal development taking up so much of their time, it’s our job to make sure teens don’t have to worry too much about their teeth. Our pediatric dentists and orthodontists are happy to work with children up to age 18 to provide the education and services they may need to maintain a beautiful, confident smile. Throughout the teenage years, we’ll monitor your child’s teeth for any signs of decay, provide preventive care to ensure they stay healthy, and help your child establish an oral health routine that protects their teeth.

Our ultimate goal is to help your teen achieve a smile they can be proud to show off to the world. Our team of dental experts in Dickson will provide your teen with the tools and information they need to have a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

For questions or concerns about your teens's dental care, please do not hesitate to call our team today! 615-321-5600

A teen’s oral healthcare needs and concerns vary slightly from those of an adult or child. Whereas pediatric dentistry focuses heavily on prevention and adult dentistry concentrates heavily on restoration, dentistry for teens focuses on identifying possible issues and correcting them before they become lifelong problems. Some concerns that our dentists routinely encounters include:
  • Misalignment
  • Gaps
  • Bite Problems
  • Wisdom Teeth removal
  • Whitening
Though some of our services are unique to teens in general, we also offer treatments that teens need to maintain healthy smiles which are similar to the services children and adults need. At TriStar Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, we provide the following services to our teenage patients:
  • Routine checkups and cleanings
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Dental sealants
  • Crowns and bridges
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Root canals
  • Tooth extractions
  • Mouthguard fittings
  • Frenuloplasty and frenectomies
  • Emergency dental care

Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment

When growing up, some things will always fall by the wayside. Don’t let dental hygiene become one of those things. Routine dental visits are imperative to your child’s continuing dental health and ensure that they have a smile they can be proud of for years into the future. Call our dental office today to schedule your teen’s appointment today! Together, we can provide your teen with the best dental health around! 615-321-5600
